NWS RSO Early Career Researcher Network
The Nuclear Waste Services Research Support Office (RSO) is a dedicated office that supports the delivery of independent evidence-based research to underpin implementation of a UK Geological Disposal Facility (GDF). Our mission is to harness the UK’s vast array of academic research capabilities in geological disposal science and technology and to identify and develop research to support the safe geological disposal of the UK’s higher activity radioactive wastes. We identify and coordinate needs-driven research in geological disposal and our research programme includes wholly funded research, part funded research with UKRI and academic and industry partners, PhD studentships, and engagement in international projects.
What is the RSO Early Career Researcher Network?
In order to support early career researchers (late-stage PhD researchers, postdoctoral researchers, research fellows and early career lecturers) working on research topics related to the delivery of a GDF, the RSO has launched the Early Career Researcher Network. The goal is to develop a support network for early careers researchers who would like to build their research careers in the area of radioactive waste disposal.
What does the RSO Early Career Researcher Network do?
The RSO Early Career Researcher Network supports early career researchers in the following ways:
- Networking events
- Access to the RSO outreach training course and online materials
- Training courses
- Mentorship schemes
- Funding possibilities
How can I hear about RSO Early Career Researcher Network events?
Subscribe to the NWS newsletter here
Join the LinkedIn group here
The RSO Early Career Researcher Network committee
Are you an early career researcher interested in contributing to the RSO Early Career Researcher Network, while enhancing your own research network? We are currently looking for new committee members. Please contact rso-gdf@manchester.ac.uk to register your interest for the RSO Early Career Researcher Network committee.